Johanna Kulp, MSW, LCSW is founder and part owner of Live Well Therapy
Associates, a Philadelphia based outpatient group practice that focuses on helping
individuals who struggle with eating disorders. She has her Master’s in Social Work
from the University of Pennsylvania and her Bachelor’s in Sociology from the
University of Delaware. She has over 15 years of experience helping those in eating
disorder recovery and is trained and certified in CBT, TF-CBT, DBT, EMDR, and
utilizes a Health at Every Size informed approach to her work. Previously she
worked at the Renfrew Center and the University of Pennsylvania college counseling
center. In each of these settings, she has worked with diverse groups of individuals
and families to help restore emotional health.
Johanna is also a speaker and author who uses her platform to discuss the
intricacies and complexities of eating disorder recovery across the lifespan. As
someone who has recovered from an eating disorder, she fully understands the
severity of the disorder and the bravery it takes in working to overcome it.